Monday, March 3, 2008

Ballsack Osamabama Announces Foreign Policy

Tired of the charges that he's "all rhetoric and no substance," Senator Ballsack Osamabama (Leftard- IL, DNC yes-man, and msm-annointed DNC nominee for President - provided all back-room Clinton machinations go awry), went on the offensive today against John McLame.
B.O. announced that "...IF I ever find out that al'Qaida, al'Islam or any other so-called 'terrorist organization' is operating in one of the sovereign nations that was minding its own business before the Bush administration illegally-occupied it and in which we now find ourselves mired in police actions; why, I'll just invite them to sit down with me to tea so that we can discuss their concerns civilly like the intellectuals that we Democrats are. My opponent, on the other hand, will only do this with Hispanics that have crossed our southern border and forgotten their permission papers through no fault of their own. So the choice is up to you, the people of the United blue States over which policy you think is the more rational and comprehensive."
With that, he doffed his top hat and departed with a mouse.
Photo Credit: Personal archives

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